I expect my first "leads" to be people who already attended my "physical" courses BIMS-1 or BIMS-2. On the longer run, I hope that this new online solution will also attract many more customers, including those who cannot travel to my regular public sessions or those who want to take the courses at their own pace. The ability to follow the video lessons (with slide download included) by smaller chunks and have time to digest concepts before moving forward will be invaluable. To avoid uncontrolled dissemination of the course, the videos will be available for a limited time after sign-in. But I will make sure people have the time to check and recheck lessons for a few weeks. If it makes sense, a subscription based model may keep access open to the courses for unlimited time.
As some customers requested, I will also introduce multiple choice assessment sessions after the main chapters. This will allow you to make sure you have digested the correct information and will retain the important learnings. Stay tuned and in the meanwhile, I would really appreciate if you can spread the link to this page, for me to assess interest in the courses.